
RT-Series, Telescopic Cylinders

Picture for category RT-Series, Telescopic Cylinders


• Nitrocarburized surface treatment inside and out provides 
  corrosion protection
• 3% side-load of full capacity
• Double or triple wear bearings support lifting stages
• Tilting saddles with 5 degrees of maximum tilt standard 
  on all models
• Design Safety factor complies with ASME B30.1 & EN1494
• Certified lifting eyes for safe handling and positioning
• CR400 coupler for compatibility with standard product
• Steel cylinder base for maximum strength



Price Name HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHin HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHmm HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.DimensionLin HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvanceImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvancekn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityAdvanceIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJ1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJin HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerKin HydraulicCylinders.Stage1CapacityKn HydraulicCylinders.Stage1CapacityTon HydraulicCylinders.Stage1StrokeS1in HydraulicCylinders.Stage1StrokeS1mm HydraulicCylinders.Stage2CapacityTon HydraulicCylinders.Stage2Capacitykn HydraulicCylinders.Stage2StrokeS2in HydraulicCylinders.Stage2StrokeS2mm HydraulicCylinders.Stage3CapacityTon HydraulicCylinders.Stage3Capacitykn HydraulicCylinders.Stage3StrokeS3in HydraulicCylinders.Stage3StrokeS3mm HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material HydraulicCylinders.dimensionLMm Oil Capacity Advance (cm3) Plunger type Return type Saddle diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of RT1510 RT1510 0,79 20 11,14 283 15 2,36 21,77 553 15 137 10000 57,61 4,33 110 60 2,36 1,93 352 40 5,31 135 15 137 5,31 135 '- '- '- '- 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 60 944 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 60 10.0 - 11.99 240 - 289 Nitriert
Request product Picture of RT1817 RT1817 1,06 27 13,58 345 20 3,35 30,71 780 19 166 10000 188,69 6,69 170 80 3,15 2,87 929 104 5,71 145 45 397 5,71 145 19 166 5,71 145 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 85 3092 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 80 > 15.0 > 380 Nitriert
Request product Picture of RT2111 RT2111 0,91 23 12,48 317 20 2,6 24,29 617 22 198 10000 90,74 4,92 125 60 2,36 2,09 496 56 5,91 150 22 198 5,91 150 '- '- '- '- 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 66 1487 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 60 10.0 - 11.99 290 - 379 Nitriert
Request product Picture of RT2119 RT2119 1,34 34 15,55 395 20 3,94 35,24 895 22 198 10000 284,43 7,87 200 90 3,54 3,27 1237 139 6,69 170 56 496 6,69 170 22 198 6,3 160 10.0 - 14.99 382 - 508 Stahl 100 4661 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 90 > 15.0 > 380 Nitriert
Request product Picture of RT3311 RT3311 0,98 25 13,86 352 35 3,5 25,67 652 35 309 10000 143,96 6,3 160 80 3,15 2,6 792 89 5,91 150 35 309 5,91 150 '- '- '- '- 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 89 2359 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 80 10.0 - 11.99 290 - 379 Nitriert
Request product Picture of RT3323 RT3323 1,73 44 18,74 476 35 4,84 42,36 1076 35 309 10000 537,99 9,84 250 110 4,33 4,37 1985 223 7,87 200 89 792 7,87 200 35 309 7,87 200 15.0 - 19.99 382 - 508 Stahl 23 8816 Teleskopisch Einfachwirkend, Load Return 110 > 15.0 > 380 Nitriert