
RSM, RCS-Series, Single-Acting, Low-Height Cylinders

Picture for category RSM, RCS-Series, Single-Acting, Low-Height Cylinders


RSM-Series, Flat-Jac® Cylinders
• Compact, flat design for use where other cylinders 
  will not fit
• RSM750, 1000 and 1500 have handles for easy carrying
• Mounting holes permit easy fixturing
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• CR400 coupler and dust cap included on all models1)
• Hard chrome plated high-quality steel plungers
• Grooved plunger ends require no saddle
• Single-acting spring-return

RCS-Series, Low-Height Cylinders
• Lightweight, low profile design for use in confined spaces
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending 
  cylinder life
• CR400 coupler and dust cap included on all models
• Grooved plunger end with threaded holes for mounting 
  tilt saddles
• Integral handle on RCS1002 for easy carrying
• Plated steel plungers
• Single-acting spring-return



Price Name HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesBoltCircleUin HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesBoltCircleUmm HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHin HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHmm HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CylinderBoreDiameterEin Cylinder bore diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaAdvanceIn2 Cylinder Effective Area Advance (cm2) HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvanceImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvancekn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityAdvanceIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OptionalTiltSaddleAdditionToCollapsedHeightA1_in HydraulicCylinders.OptionalTiltSaddleAdditionToCollapsedHeightA1_mm HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerDiameterFin Plunger diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadinOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPmm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJ1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJin HydraulicCylinders.SaddleMaximumTiltAngleRadiusDegrees HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerK1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerKin HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material Oil Capacity Advance (cm3) Plunger type Return type Saddle diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.saddleProtrusionFromPlungerKMm HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHoleCounterBoreDepth_in HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHoleCounterBoreDepth_mm HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHoleCounterBoreDiameter_in HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHoleCounterBoreDiameter_mm HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHoleDiameter_Vin Center Hole Diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolePitch_Uin HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolePitch_Umm HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToBaseLin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToBaseLmm HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToMountingHoleMin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToMountingHoleMmm Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of RCS1002 RCS1002 2,17 55 1,25 31 5,56 141 5 127,0 100 19,63 126,7 7,81 198 98,1 887 10000 44,18 1,38 35 6,5 165 3,63 92,2 M8 M8 0,4 10 71 2,8 5 1 0,06 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 722 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 71 1 2.0 - 2.99 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCS101 RCS101 1,03 26 0,69 17 3,47 88 1,69 42,9 10 2,24 14,5 4,97 126 11,2 101 10000 3,35 0,79 20 2,75 69 1,5 38,1 M4 M4 0,32 8 35 1,38 5 5 0,2 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 55 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 35 5 1.0 - 1.99 24 - 47 Lack
Request product Picture of RCS201 RCS201 1,57 40 0,69 17 3,88 98 2,38 60,5 20 4,43 28,7 5,63 143 22,1 201 10000 7,75 1,02 26 3,63 92 2 50,8 M5 M5 0,32 8 50 1,97 5 3 0,13 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 129 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 50 3 1.0 - 1.99 24 - 47 Lack
Request product Picture of RCS302 RCS302 1,57 40 0,75 19 4,63 117 2,88 73,2 30 6,49 42,1 7,06 179 32,4 295 10000 15,82 1,02 26 4 101 2,62 66,5 M5 M5 0,32 8 50 1,97 5 3 0,13 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 261 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 50 3 2.0 - 2.99 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCS502 RCS502 1,57 40 0,94 23 4,81 122 3,5 88,9 50 9,62 62,1 7,19 182 48,1 435 10000 22,85 1,02 26 4,88 124 2,75 69,8 M5 M5 0,32 8 50 1,97 5 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 373 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 50 2 2.0 - 2.99 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RSM100 RSM100 0,75 19 1,69 43 1,69 42,9 10 2,24 14,5 2,13 54 11,2 101 10000 0,98 3.25 x 2.19 82 x 55 1,5 38,1 1 0,04 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 18 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 1 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,31 7,9 0,422 10,7 0,28 7,1 1,44 36,6 1,09 27 1,34 34
Request product Picture of RSM1000 RSM1000 0,75 19 3,38 85 5 127,0 100 19,63 126,7 4 101 98,1 887 10000 12,27 7.00 x 6.00 178 x 153 3,63 92,2 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 203 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 2 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,56 14,2 0,812 20,6 0,53 13,5 3 76,2 3 76 2,94 74
Request product Picture of RSM1500 RSM1500 0,94 23 3,94 100 6,25 158,8 150 30,68 198,1 4,56 116 153,4 1386 10000 19,17 8.50 x 7.50 215 x 190 4,5 114,3 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 317 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 2 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,56 14,2 0,812 20,6 0,53 13,5 4,62 117,3 3,75 95 3,25 82
Request product Picture of RSM200 RSM200 0,75 19 2,03 51 2,38 60,5 20 4,43 28,7 2,47 62 22,1 201 10000 1,94 4.00 x 3.00 101 x 76 2 50,8 1 0,04 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 32 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 1 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,39 9,9 0,549 15,1 0,4 10,0 1,94 49,3 1,56 39 1,56 39
Request product Picture of RSM300 RSM300 0,75 19 2,31 58 2,88 73,2 30 6,49 42,1 2,81 71 32,4 295 10000 3,25 4.63 x 3.75 117 x 95 2,5 63,4 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 55 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 2 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,44 11,2 0,625 15,9 0,4 10,0 2,06 52,3 1,88 47 1,75 44
Request product Picture of RSM50 RSM50 0,63 16 1,28 32 1,13 28,7 5 0,99 6,5 1,53 38 4,9 45 10000 0,25 2.31 x 1.63 58 x 41 1 25,4 1 0,04 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 4 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 1 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,17 4,3 0,321 9,1 0,2 5,5 1,12 28,5 0,81 20 0,88 22
Request product Picture of RSM500 RSM500 0,75 19 2,63 66 3,5 88,9 50 9,62 62,1 3,25 82 48,1 435 10000 6,01 5.50 x 4.50 140 x 114 2,75 69,8 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 99 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 2 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,5 12,7 0,75 19,0 0,47 11,0 2,62 66,5 2,25 57 2,13 53
Request product Picture of RSM750 RSM750 0,75 19 3,13 79 4,5 114,3 75 15,9 102,6 3,75 95 79,5 718 10000 9,94 6.50 x 5.50 165 x 139 3,25 82,6 2 0,08 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 164 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 2 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack 0,56 14,2 0,812 20,6 0,53 13,5 3 76,2 2,75 69 2,63 66