
RRH-Series, Double-Acting, Hollow Plunger Cylinders

Picture for category RRH-Series, Double-Acting,  Hollow Plunger Cylinders


• Relief valves prevent damage in case of over-pressurization
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• Collar threads enable easy fixturing 
  (except RRH1001 and RRH1508)
• Double-acting operation for fast retraction
• Nickel-plated, floating center tube increases product life
• Hollow plunger allows for both pull and push forces
• CR400 couplers and dust caps included on all models
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending 
  cylinder life



Price Name HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesBoltCircleUmm HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesThreadDepthZmm Base Mounting Hole Thread HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHin HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHmm HydraulicCylinders.CenterHoleDiameterYin HydraulicCylinders.CenterHoleDiameterYmm HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CylinderBoreDiameterEin Cylinder bore diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaAdvanceIn2 Cylinder Effective Area Advance (cm2) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaRetractIn2 HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaRetractcm2 HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvanceImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvancekn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityRetractImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityRetractkn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityAdvanceIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityRetractIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerDiameterFin Plunger diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadinOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPmm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJ1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJin HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerK1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerKin HydraulicCylinders.TopToRetractPortIin HydraulicCylinders.TopToRetractPortImm HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material Oil Capacity Advance (cm3) HydraulicCylinders.oilCapacityRetractCm3 Plunger type Return type Saddle diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.saddleProtrusionFromPlungerKMm HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadLengthXin HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadLengthXmm HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadWin Collar thread Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of RRH1001 RRH1001 177,8 19,0 5/8” - 11 1,5 38 3,13 79,2 6,5 165 6,5 165,1 100 20,63 133,0 13,54 87,4 8 203 103 931 68 612 10000 30,94 20,32 8,38 212 5 127,0 4"- 16 4" - 16 1 25 126 4,97 12 0,5 1,75 44 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 505 333 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 126 12 1.0 - 1.99 24 - 47 Lack
Request product Picture of RRH10010 RRH10010 177,8 19,0 5/8” - 11 1,5 38 3,13 79,2 18,13 460 6,5 165,1 100 20,63 133,0 13,54 87,4 28,25 717 103 931 68 612 10000 208,84 137,17 8,38 212 5 127,0 4"- 16 4" - 16 1 25 126 4,97 12 0,5 3,38 85 15.0 - 19.99 382 - 508 Stahl 3420 2246 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 126 12 10.0 - 11.99 240 - 289 Lack 2,38 60 8 3/8" - 12 8 3/8"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH1003 RRH1003 177,8 19,0 5/8” - 11 1,5 38 3,13 79,2 10 254 6,5 165,1 100 20,63 133,0 13,54 87,4 13 330 103 931 68 612 10000 61,88 40,64 8,38 212 5 127,0 4"- 16 4" - 16 1 25 126 4,97 12 0,5 3,38 85 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 1011 666 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 126 12 3.0 - 4.49 48 - 94 Lack 2,38 60 8 3/8" - 12 8 3/8"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH1006 RRH1006 177,8 19,0 5/8” - 11 1,5 38 3,13 79,2 13,5 342 6,5 165,1 100 20,63 133,0 13,54 87,4 19,5 495 103 931 68 612 10000 123,76 81,29 8,38 212 5 127,0 4"- 16 4" - 16 1 25 126 4,97 12 0,5 3,38 85 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 2035 1337 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 126 12 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 2,38 60 8 3/8" - 12 8 3/8"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH1508 RRH1508 1,5 38 3,13 79,2 13,75 349 7,5 190,5 150 31,62 204,1 15,91 102,6 21,75 552 158 1429 80 718 10000 252,97 127,23 9,75 247 6 152,4 4¼"- 12 4 1/4" - 12 1 25 127 5 4 0,19 2,38 60 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 4144 2083 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 127 4 7.0 - 9.99 175 - 239 Lack
Request product Picture of RRH3010 RRH3010 92,2 15,7 3/8” - 16 1 25 1,31 33,3 17 431 3,5 88,9 30 7,22 46,6 4,71 30,4 27,13 689 36 326 24 213 10000 73,12 47,71 4,5 114 2,5 63,5 113/16"- 16 1 13/16" - 16 0,88 22 63 2,5 9 0,38 2,38 60 15.0 - 19.99 382 - 508 Stahl 1202 784 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 63 9 10.0 - 11.99 240 - 289 Lack 1,66 42 4 1/2" - 12 4½"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH307 RRH307 92,2 15,7 3/8” - 16 1 25 1,31 33,3 13 330 3,5 88,9 30 7,22 46,6 4,71 30,4 20 508 36 326 24 213 10000 50,55 32,99 4,5 114 2,5 63,5 113/16" - 16 1 13/16" - 16 0,88 22 63 2,5 9 0,38 2,38 60 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 829 541 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 63 9 7.0 - 9.99 175 - 239 Lack 1,66 42 4 1/2" - 12 4½"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH6010 RRH6010 130,0 14,0 ½” - 13 1,25 31 2,13 53,8 17,25 438 4,88 123,9 60 12,73 82,3 8,37 54,2 27,38 695 64 576 42 380 10000 128,94 84,49 6,25 159 3,63 91,9 2¾"- 16 2 3/4" - 16 0,75 19 91 3,61 12 0,5 2,63 66 15.0 - 19.99 382 - 508 Stahl 2115 1393 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 91 12 10.0 - 11.99 240 - 289 Lack 1,91 48 6 1/4" - 12 6¼"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH603 RRH603 130,0 14,0 ½” - 13 1,25 31 2,13 53,8 9,75 247 4,88 123,9 60 12,73 82,3 8,37 54,2 13,25 336 64 576 42 380 10000 44,57 29,21 6,25 159 3,63 91,9 2¾"- 16 2 3/4" - 16 0,75 19 91 3,61 12 0,5 2,63 66 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 733 482 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 91 12 3.0 - 4.49 48 - 94 Lack 1,91 48 6 1/4" - 12 6¼"- 12
Request product Picture of RRH606 RRH606 130,0 14,0 ½” - 13 1,25 31 2,13 53,8 12,75 323 4,88 123,9 60 12,73 82,3 8,37 54,2 19,25 489 64 576 42 380 10000 82,77 54,24 6,25 159 3,63 91,9 2¾"- 16 2 3/4" - 16 0,75 19 91 3,61 12 0,5 2,63 66 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 1366 900 Hohlkolben Doppeltwirkend, hydraulischer Rücklauf 91 12 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 1,91 48 6 1/4" - 12 6¼"- 12