
RCH-Series, Single-Acting, Hollow Plunger Cylinders

Picture for category RCH-Series, Single-Acting,   Hollow Plunger Cylinders


• Hollow plunger design allows for both pull and push forces
• Single-acting spring-return
• Nickel-plated, floating center tube on models over 20 tons 
  increases product life
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• Collar threads for easy fixturing
• RCH120 includes AR630 coupler and has 1/4 NPTF port
• RCH121 and RCH1211 have FZ1630 reducer and 
  AR630 coupler, all other models feature CR400 coupler



Price Name HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesBoltCircleUin HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesBoltCircleUmm HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesThreadDepthZin HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesThreadDepthZmm Base Mounting Hole Thread HydraulicCylinders.BaseMountingHolesThreadVin HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHin HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHmm HydraulicCylinders.CenterHoleDiameterYin HydraulicCylinders.CenterHoleDiameterYmm HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadLengthXin HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadLengthXmm HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadWin Collar thread HydraulicCylinders.CylinderBoreDiameterEin Cylinder bore diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaAdvanceIn2 Cylinder Effective Area Advance (cm2) HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvanceImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvancekn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityAdvanceIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerDiameterFin Plunger diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerInternalThreadinOin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPmm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJ1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJin HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerK1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleProtrusionfromPlungerKin HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material Oil Capacity Advance (cm3) Plunger type Return type Saddle diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.saddleProtrusionFromPlungerKMm HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of RCH1003 RCH1003 7 177,8 0,75 19,0 5/8"-11 UNC 5/8"-11 UNC 1,5 38 3,11 79,0 10 254 2,38 60 8 3/8" - 12 8 3/8" - 12 6,5 165,1 100 20,63 133,0 13 330 103,1 931 10000 61,88 8,38 212 5 127,0 4" - 16 un 4" - 16 un 1 25 126 4,97 12,0 0,5 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 1011 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 126 12,0 3.0 - 4.49 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH120 RCH120 2 50,8 0,35 9,0 5/16"-18 unc 5/16"-18 unc 0,38 9 0,77 19,5 2,19 55 1,19 30 2 3/4" - 16 2 3/4" - 16 2,13 54,1 12 2,76 17,9 2,5 63 13,8 125 10000 0,86 2,75 69 1,38 35,1 3/4" - 16 un 3/4" - 16 un 0,63 16 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 14 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH121 RCH121 '- '- '- '- '- '- 0,98 25 0,77 19,5 4,75 120 1,19 30 2 3/4" - 16 2 3/4" - 16 2,13 54,1 12 2,76 17,9 6,38 162 13,8 125 10000 4,49 2,75 69 1,38 35,1 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 75 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 1.0 - 1.99 24 - 47 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH1211 RCH1211 '- '- '- '- '- '- 0,98 25 0,77 19,5 4,75 120 1,19 30 2 3/4" - 16 2 3/4" - 16 2,13 54,1 12 2,76 17,9 6,38 162 13,8 125 10000 4,49 2,75 69 1,38 35,1 3/4" - 16 un 3/4" - 16 un 0,63 16 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 75 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 1.0 - 1.99 24 - 47 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH123 RCH123 2 50,8 0,5 12,7 5/16"-18 unc 5/16"-18 unc 0,98 25 0,77 19,5 7,25 184 1,19 30 2 3/4" - 16 2 3/4" - 16 2,13 54,1 12 2,76 17,9 10,25 260 13,8 125 10000 8,29 2,75 69 1,38 35,1 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 136 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 3.0 - 4.49 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH202 RCH202 3,25 82,6 0,37 9,4 3/8"-16 unc 3/8"-16 unc 0,75 19 1,06 26,9 6,38 162 1,5 38 3 7/8" - 12 un 2 7/8" - 12 2,88 73,1 20 4,72 30,7 8,38 211 23,6 215 10000 9,46 3,88 98 2,13 54,1 1 9/16" - 16 un 1 9/16" - 16 un 0,75 19 54 2,13 9,7 0,27 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 150 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 54 9,7 2.0 - 2.99 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH206 RCH206 3,25 82,6 0,37 9,4 3/8"-16 unc 3/8"-16 unc 0,75 25 1,06 26,9 12,05 306 1,5 38 3 7/8" - 12 un 2 7/8" - 12 2,88 73,1 20 4,72 30,7 18,11 461 23,6 215 10000 28,67 3,88 98 2,13 54,1 1 9/16" - 16 un 1 9/16" - 16 un 0,75 19 54 2,13 9,7 0,27 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 476 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 54 9,7 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH302 RCH302 3,63 92,2 0,55 14,0 3/8"-16 unc 3/8"-16 unc 0,85 21 1,31 33,3 7,03 178 1,66 42 4 1/2" - 12 4 1/2" - 12 3,5 88,9 30 7,22 46,6 9,53 242 36,1 326 10000 18,05 4,5 114 2,5 63,5 1 13/16" - 16 un 1 13/16" - 16 un 0,88 22 63 2,5 9,0 0,38 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 298 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 63 9,0 2.0 - 2.99 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH306 RCH306 3,63 92,2 0,55 14,0 3/8"-16 unc 3/8"-16 unc 1 25 1,31 33,3 13 330 1,66 42 4 1/2" - 12 4 1/2" - 12 3,5 88,9 30 7,22 46,6 19,13 485 36,1 326 10000 44,23 4,5 114 2,5 63,5 1 13/16" - 16 un 1 13/16" - 16 un 0,88 22 63 2,5 9,0 0,38 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 722 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 63 9,0 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH603 RCH603 5,13 130,3 0,55 14,0 1/2"-13 UNC 1/2"-13 UNC 1,25 31 2,12 53,8 9,75 247 1,91 48 6 1/4" - 12 6 1/4" - 12 4,88 123,9 60 12,73 82,3 12,75 323 63,6 576 10000 38,2 6,25 159 3,63 91,9 2 3/4" - 16 un 2 3/4" - 16 un 0,75 19 91 3,61 12,0 0,5 5.0 - 9.99 128 - 254 Stahl 626 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 91 12,0 3.0 - 4.49 48 - 94 Lack
Request product Picture of RCH606 RCH606 5,13 130,3 0,55 14,0 1/2"-13 UNC 1/2"-13 UNC 1,25 31 2,12 53,8 12,75 323 1,91 48 6 1/4" - 12 6 1/4" - 12 4,88 123,9 60 12,73 82,3 18,75 476 63,6 576 10000 76,41 6,25 159 3,63 91,9 2 3/4" - 16 un 2 3/4" - 16 un 0,75 19 91 3,61 12,0 0,5 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 1259 Hohlkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 91 12,0 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack