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PNEUDRI Service Kits

Picture for category PNEUDRI Service Kits
12 and 36 month service kits for legacy PNEUDRI compressed air dryers. Kits available for PNEUDRi Mini (DM0), MiDAS (DAS), Midi DM0/DME, Maxi (DH/DHS/DHE/DX/DXS/DXE/DXP) and Maxi Plus (MXP) Ranges.
Carrying out a simple but effective set of preventative maintenance instructions on a compressed air dryer, ensures the continued performance of the unit. Also guaranteeing downstream air continues to meet the required quality level.

It is recommended that compressed air dryers undergo a regular service every 12 months. Depending on the age of the dryer the required service and replaceable parts will vary.

Desiccant replacement is recommended every 36 months of operation.

PriceNameKit TypeModel NumberContainsBrand
71,36 € Picture of 608203661 608203661 Desiccant AAMidi DM0/DME and Maxi DX/DXS/DXE/DXP/MXP11 Litre Container of Activated Aluminar desiccant. Check quantity required by model and dewpoint.domnick hunter