LH-Series, Low-Height Skidding System

Picture for category LH-Series, Low-Height Skidding System


LH-Series, Low-Height Skidding System
• Low starting height saves time and increases versatility
• Intuitive pump controls (SFP-Series Split-Flow Pump)
• Easily reversible to change skidding direction
• Portable design for quick setup



Price Name SkiddingSystem.MaximumLiftingCapacityPerShoeImperialTons SkiddingSystem.PushPullStrokeCin SkiddingSystem.SkidShoeHeightWithTrackAin SkiddingSystem.SkidShoeLengthDin SkiddingSystem.SkidShoeWeightLbs SkiddingSystem.SkidTrackLengthFin SkiddingSystem.SkidTrackWeightLbs SkiddingSystem.SkidTrackWidthEin Maximum Lifting Capacity per Shoe (kN) SkiddingSystem.maximumLiftingCapacityPerShoeMetricTons SkiddingSystem.maximumSkiddingPullCapacityImperialTon Maximum Skidding Pull Capacity (kN) SkiddingSystem.maximumSkiddingPullCapacityMetricTon SkiddingSystem.maximumSkiddingPushCapacityImperialTon Maximum Skidding Push Capacity (kN) SkiddingSystem.maximumSkiddingPushCapacityMetricTon Push/Pull Stroke C (mm) SkiddingSystem.skidShoeHeightWithTrackAMm SkiddingSystem.skidShoeLengthDMm SkiddingSystem.skidShoeLengthFMm Skid Shoe Weight (kg) SkiddingSystem.skidShoeWidthEMm Skid Track Weight (kg) SkiddingSystem.LiftingStrokeBin SkiddingSystem.liftingStrokeBMm Produkt beim Hersteller
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