FTR-Series, Foundation Bolt Tensioners

Picture for category FTR-Series, Foundation Bolt Tensioners


• FTR-Series Foundation Bolt Tensioners provide fast, 
  accurate and easy tightening of external or internal ring 
  wind tower foundations
• Standard models are available for 75, 150 ksi and metric 
  style Williams, Dyson and Macalloy® bar types
• Long-stroke options accelerate process with 
  single-pull tensioning



Price Name Tensioner.CylinderEffectiveAreain2 Tensioner.LoadCapacityTons Bar Grade (ksi) Bar Size Designation Tensioner.boltDiameterIn Bolt Diameter (mm) Hydraulic Pressure Area (mm2) Load Capacity (kN) Tensioner.minimumBoltProtrusionIn Tensioner.minimumBoltProtrusionMm Tensioner.nutAFIn Nut AF (mm) Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of FTR751010S FTR751010S 4,86 42,3 75 #10 1,38 35 3134 376,1 7,87 200 2 51
Request product Picture of FTR751025S FTR751025S 4,84 42,1 75 #10 1,38 35 3123 374,8 9,84 250 2 51
Request product Picture of FTR751110S FTR751110S 4,86 52,8 75 #11 1,5 38 3134 470,1 8,66 220 2,25 57
Request product Picture of FTR751125SG FTR751125SG 4,84 52,7 75 #11 1,5 38 3123 468,5 10,24 260 2,25 57
Request product Picture of FTR751420S FTR751420S 9,44 80,1 75 #14 1,88 48 6093 712,9 12,4 315 2,75 70
Request product Picture of FTR1093610SG FTR1093610SG 5,92 64,4 10,9 36 1,42 36 3820 573,0 7,68 195 2,36 60
Request product Picture of FTR15012510S FTR15012510S 8,34 90,8 150 1,25 1,44 37 5383 629,8 8,66 220 2,25 57
Request product Picture of FTR15013810S FTR15013810S 8,34 90,8 150 1,375 1,56 40 5383 807,5 8,86 225 2,5 64
Request product Picture of FTR15025025S FTR15025025S 28,27 307,5 150 2,5 2,75 70 18238 2736,0 17,72 450 4,25 108