FTE-Series, Foundation Bolt Tensioners

Picture for category FTE-Series, Foundation Bolt Tensioners


• FTE-Series Foundation Bolt Tensioners provide fast 
  and accurate performance in difficult, narrow access 
  foundation tensioning applications
• Standard models are available for 75, 150 ksi and metric 
  style Williams, Dyson and Macalloy® bar types
• Ideal universal solution that fits both standard and narrow 
  access applications



Price Name Tensioner.CylinderEffectiveAreain2 Tensioner.LoadCapacityTons Bar Grade (ksi) Bar Size Designation Tensioner.boltDiameterIn Bolt Diameter (mm) Hydraulic Pressure Area (mm2) Load Capacity (kN) Tensioner.minimumBoltProtrusionIn Tensioner.minimumBoltProtrusionMm Tensioner.nutAFIn Nut AF (mm) Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of FTE7510S FTE7510S 4,82 41,9 75 #10 1,38 35 3108 373,0 7,87 200 2 51
Request product Picture of FTE7511S FTE7511S 4,82 52,4 75 #11 1,5 38 3108 466,2 8,66 200 2,25 57
Request product Picture of FTE8836S FTE8836S 4,82 52,4 8,8 36 1,42 36 3108 466,2 7,09 180 2,36 60
Request product Picture of FTE150125S FTE150125S 7,86 68,4 150 1,25 1,44 37 5074 608,9 9,45 240 2,25 57
Request product Picture of FTE150138S FTE150138S 7,86 85,6 150 1,375 1,56 40 5074 761,1 9,06 230 2,5 64