5,76 € RI1/2EDX1/4CF G 1/2 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 1/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 7,80 € RI1/2EDX1/8CF G 1/2 A G 1/8 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 76,75 € RI1/2EDX11/4CF G 1/2 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 23,69 € RI1/2EDX1CF G 1/2 A G 1 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 1 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 22,47 € RI1/2EDX3/4CF G 1/2 A G 3/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 3/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 6,87 € RI1/2EDX3/8CF G 1/2 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 3/8 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 4,91 € RI1/2X1/4CFX G 1/2 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 7,25 € RI1/2X1/8CFX G 1/2 A G 1/8 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 25,89 € RI1/2X1CFX G 1/2 A G 1 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 1 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 24,49 € RI1/2X3/4CFX G 1/2 A G 3/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 3/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 6,34 € RI1/2X3/8CFX G 1/2 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1/2 A G 3/8 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 8,20 € RI1/4EDX1/2CF G 1/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 4,87 € RI1/4EDX1/8CF G 1/4 A G 1/8 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 29,58 € RI1/4EDX3/4CF G 1/4 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 7,12 € RI1/4EDX3/8CF G 1/4 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/4 A G 3/8 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 8,00 € RI1/4X1/2CFX G 1/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 4,25 € RI1/4X1/8CFX G 1/4 A G 1/8 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/4 A G 1/8 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 32,90 € RI1/4X3/4CFX G 1/4 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 6,91 € RI1/4X3/8CFX G 1/4 A G 3/8 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 8,35 € RI1/8EDX1/4CF G 1/8 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/8 A G 1/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 15,65 € RI1/8EDX3/8CF G 1/8 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/8 A G 3/8 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 8,64 € RI1/8X1/4CFX G 1/8 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 1/8 A G 1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 17,03 € RI1/8X3/8CFX G 1/8 A G 3/8 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 71,22 € RI11/2EDX1/2CF G 1-1/2 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 250 bar Straight G 1-1/2 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 54,86 € RI11/2EDX11/4CF G 1-1/2 A G 1-1/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 250 bar Straight G 1-1/2 A G 1-1/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 38,16 € RI11/2EDX1CF G 1 1/2 A G 1 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 37,90 € RI11/2EDX3/4CF G 1 1/2 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 77,54 € RI11/2X1/2CFX G 1 1/2 A G 1/2 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 57,99 € RI11/2X11/4CFX G 1-1/2 A G 1-1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 160 bar Straight G 1-1/2 A G 1-1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 38,61 € RI11/2X1CFX G 1-1/2 A G 1 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 160 bar Straight G 1-1/2 A G 1 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 38,33 € RI11/2X3/4CFX G 1 1/2 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 36,82 € RI11/4EDX1/2CF G 1-1/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1-1/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 103,86 € RI11/4EDX11/2CF G 1 1/4 A G 1 1/2 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 32,84 € RI11/4EDX1CF G 1 1/4 A G 1 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 25,87 € RI11/4EDX3/4CF G 1 1/4 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 106,70 € RI11/4EDX3/8CF G 1 1/4 A G 3/8 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 38,87 € RI11/4X1/2CFX G 1 1/4 A G 1/2 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander Request product RI11/4X1/4CFX G 1 1/4 A G 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 114,61 € RI11/4X11/2CFX G 1-1/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 160 bar Straight G 1-1/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 34,25 € RI11/4X1CFX G 1 1/4 A G 1 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 26,08 € RI11/4X3/4CFX G 1 1/4 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 13,95 € RI1EDX1/2CF G 1 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 18,38 € RI1EDX1/4CF G 1 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 1/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 85,17 € RI1EDX11/2CF G 1 A G 1-1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 250 bar Straight G 1 A G 1-1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 77,94 € RI1EDX11/4CF G 1 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 18,34 € RI1EDX3/4CF G 1 A G 3/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 3/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 18,38 € RI1EDX3/8CF G 1 A G 3/8 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 13,11 € RI1X1/2CFX G 1 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 1/2 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 18,27 € RI1X1/4CFX G 1 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 96,46 € RI1X11/2CFX G 1 A G 1-1/2 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 160 bar Straight G 1 A G 1-1/2 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 88,38 € RI1X11/4CFX G 1 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 18,26 € RI1X3/4CFX G 1 A G 3/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 1 A G 3/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 18,27 € RI1X3/8CFX G 1 A G 3/8 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 51,15 € RI22X1.5/1/4CFX M 22x1.5 G 1/4 Male metric thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 9974) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 40,48 € RI22X1.5EDX1/2CF M 22x1.5 G 1/2 Male metric thread - ED (ISO 9974) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 722,16 € RI2EDX1/2CF G 2 A G 1/2 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 223,60 € RI2EDX11/2CF G 2 A G 1-1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 160 bar Straight G 2 A G 1-1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 222,77 € RI2EDX11/4CF G 2 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 220,87 € RI2EDX1CF G 2 A G 1 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 256,10 € RI2EDX3/4CF G 2 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 254,12 € RI2X11/2CFX G 2 A G 1 1/2 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander Request product RI2X11/4CFX G 2 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 351,86 € RI2X1CFX G 2 A G 1 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 10,20 € RI3/4EDX1/2CF G 3/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 8,60 € RI3/4EDX1/4CF G 3/4 A G 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 92,67 € RI3/4EDX11/2CF G 3/4 A G 1 1/2 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 77,17 € RI3/4EDX11/4CF G 3/4 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - ED-seal (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 24,71 € RI3/4EDX1CF G 3/4 A G 1 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 1 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 8,47 € RI3/4EDX3/8CF G 3/4 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 3/8 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 10,01 € RI3/4X1/2CFX G 3/4 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 1/2 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 8,19 € RI3/4X1/4CFX G 3/4 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 105,13 € RI3/4X11/2CFX G 3/4 A G 1 1/2 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 88,14 € RI3/4X11/4CFX G 3/4 A G 1 1/4 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 27,11 € RI3/4X1CFX G 3/4 A G 1 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 1 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 7,95 € RI3/4X3/8CFX G 3/4 A G 3/8 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/4 A G 3/8 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 8,45 € RI3/8EDX1/2CF G 3/8 A G 1/2 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 3/8 A G 1/2 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 5,09 € RI3/8EDX1/4CF G 3/8 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 3/8 A G 1/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 5,42 € RI3/8EDX1/8CF G 3/8 A G 1/8 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 3/8 A G 1/8 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 25,10 € RI3/8EDX3/4CF G 3/8 A G 3/4 Steel Male BSPP ED Seal Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 315 bar Straight G 3/8 A G 3/4 n/a Steel ED Seal NBR 8,50 € RI3/8X1/2CFX G 3/8 A G 1/2 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 6,88 € RI3/8X1/4CFX G 3/8 A G 1/4 Steel Male BSPP Sealing Edge Female BSPP Ermeto High Pressure Connectors Europe Division Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulic DIN Fittings Port to Port 400 bar Straight G 3/8 A G 1/4 n/a Steel Sealing Edge Metal 7,63 € RI3/8X1/8CFX G 3/8 A G 1/8 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander 29,39 € RI3/8X3/4CFX G 3/8 A G 3/4 Male BSPP thread - metal sealing edge (ISO 1179) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Steel Thread reducer/expander