
CULP-Series, Ultra-Flat Cylinders with Stop Ring

Picture for category CULP-Series, Ultra-Flat Cylinders with Stop Ring


• Up to 4% side load of maximum capacity
• Stop-ring for maximum stroke limitation
• Extremely low collapsed height
• Nitrocarburized surface treatment for harsh conditions



Price Name HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CylinderBoreDiameterEin Cylinder bore diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaAdvanceIn2 Cylinder Effective Area Advance (cm2) HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvanceImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityAdvancekn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityAdvanceIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material Oil Capacity Advance (cm3) Plunger type Return type HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of CULP10 CULP10 1,08 27,5 1,65 42 10 2,15 13,9 1,32 33,5 10,9 97 10000 0,51 2,83 72 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 8,3 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Load Return 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Nitriert
Request product Picture of CULP100 CULP100 2,55 65 5,51 140 100 23,85 153,9 121,1 1077 10000 5,63 7,67 195 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 92,3 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Load Return 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Nitriert
Request product Picture of CULP20 CULP20 1,26 32 2,36 60 20 4,38 28,3 1,5 38,0 22,2 198 10000 1,04 3,54 90 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 17,0 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Load Return 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Nitriert
Request product Picture of CULP30 CULP30 1,38 35 2,95 75 30 6,85 44,2 1,61 41,0 34,8 310 10000 1,62 4,13 105 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 26,5 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Load Return 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Nitriert
Request product Picture of CULP50 CULP50 1,75 44,5 3,94 100 50 12,17 78,5 1,99 50,5 61,8 550 10000 2,88 5,51 140 0 - 4.99 0 - 127 Stahl 47,1 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Load Return 0 - 0.99 0 - 23 Nitriert