
BRC, BRP-Series, Single-Acting, Pull Cylinders

Picture for category BRC, BRP-Series, Single-Acting, Pull Cylinders


• High-strength alloy steel construction
• Plunger blow-out protection to prevent over-extension
• Hard chrome-plated plunger for long life
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• CR400 coupler and dust cap included on all models
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending 
  cylinder life
• Single-acting spring-return
• Replaceable links on BRP-model



Price Name Base Mounting Hole Thread HydraulicCylinders.BasetoAdvancePortHin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAin HydraulicCylinders.CollapsedHeightAmm HydraulicCylinders.CollarThreadLengthXmm Collar thread HydraulicCylinders.CylinderBoreDiameterEin Cylinder bore diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.CylinderClassImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaRetractIn2 HydraulicCylinders.CylinderEffectiveAreaRetractcm2 HydraulicCylinders.ExtendedHeightBin Extended Height B (mm) HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityRetractImperialTons HydraulicCylinders.MaximumCylinderCapacityRetractkn HydraulicCylinders.MaximumOperatingPressureRangespsi HydraulicCylinders.OilCapacityRetractIn3 HydraulicCylinders.OutsideDiameterDin Outer diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.PlungerDiameterFin Plunger diameter (mm) Plunger external thread HydraulicCylinders.PlungerOutsideThreadQin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerThreadLengthPmm HydraulicCylinders.collapsedHeightARangesIn Collapsed Height A (mm) Cylinder material HydraulicCylinders.mountingThreadLengthZMm HydraulicCylinders.oilCapacityRetractCm3 Plunger type Return type HydraulicCylinders.strokeRangesIn Stroke range Cylinder surface HydraulicCylinders.topToInletPortHMm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJ1mm HydraulicCylinders.SaddleDiameterJin Saddle diameter (mm) HydraulicCylinders.LinkWidthNin HydraulicCylinders.LinkWidthNmm HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToBaseLin HydraulicCylinders.PlungerToMountingHoleMin HydraulicCylinders.SlotToLinkEndTin HydraulicCylinders.SlotToLinkEndTmm HydraulicCylinders.linkHeightJMm HydraulicCylinders.linkOpeningLMm HydraulicCylinders.linkThicknessMMm Produkt beim Hersteller
Request product Picture of BRC106 BRC106 M30 x 2 1,57 11,38 289 25 M85 x 2 2,13 54,1 10 2,32 15,0 17,33 440 11,6 105 10000 13,8 3,35 85 1,25 31,8 M30x2 M30x2 1,02 25 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 24 228 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 39
Request product Picture of BRC25 BRC25 3/4" - 14 NPT 1,77 10,44 264 24 1 1/2" - 16 UN 1,13 28,4 2,5 0,55 3,5 15,44 391 2,7 24 10000 2,76 1,89 48 0,75 19,0 11/16" - 24 1 1/16" - 24 1,13 28 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 17 45 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 45 "-14 NPT ¾"-14 NPT 3/4" - 14 NPT
Request product Picture of BRC46 BRC46 1 1/4" - 11 1/2 NPT 1,69 11,88 301 26 2 1/4" - 14 UN 1,69 42,9 5 1,13 7,3 17,38 441 5,6 51 10000 6,21 2,25 57 1,19 30,2 1 3/16" - 16 1 3/16" - 16 1,25 32 10.0 - 14.99 255 - 381 Stahl 24 101 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 42 1 "-11 " NPT 1¼"-11½" NPT 1 1/4" - 11 1/2 NPT
Request product Picture of BRP106C BRP106C 23,66 601 2,13 54,1 10 2,45 15,8 29,57 751 11,6 105 10000 14,58 3,35 85 20.0 - 24.99 509 - 635 Stahl 238 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 4,13 1,38 35 3,43 1,18 1,28 32 105 87 30
Request product Picture of BRP106L BRP106L 22,56 573 2,13 54,1 10 2,45 15,8 28,46 723 11,6 105 10000 14,58 3,35 85 20.0 - 24.99 509 - 635 Stahl 238 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 2,52 1,19 30 4,69 0,87 1,26 32 64 119 22
Request product Picture of BRP306 BRP306 43,71 1110 3,5 88,9 30 7,19 46,4 49,71 1264 35,95 326 10000 43,63 5,39 137 > 25 > 636 Stahl 715 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 4,49 1,57 40 6,1 1,38 2,17 50 114 155 35
Request product Picture of BRP606 BRP606 28,28 718 4,33 110,1 60 11,17 72,1 34,28 871 55,8 505 10000 67,02 5,51 140 > 25 > 636 Stahl 1096 Vollkolben Einfachwirkend, Federrückzug 4.5 - 6.99 120 - 174 Lack 5,12 1,89 48 5,93 1,58 2,56 70 130 151 40