
Hand flaring tool for small on-site repair jobs
Verfügbarkeit: Bestellartikel
Artikelnummer: 1011688
Lieferzeit: 8 Tage
669,97 €
exklusive Versand

These 37˚ flaring tools are for use with copper, aluminum alloy, and thin wall steel or stainless steel tubes. A vice block is clamped together with the tube end into a vicener. Flaring pin is used with a hammer. Separate tooling sets for each tube size in metric and inch dimensions are available. These hand tools are suitable for small on-site repair jobs. They are not suitable for thick-wall tubing and industrial production. A rigid vice must be available at the assembly site.

Features, advantages and benefits
1. Light – Hand flaring tools can be used at any assembly site where a proper workshop is not available
2. Quick – Hand flaring tools can be used for temporary repair until

• Field repair of agricultural and construction vehicles
• Small, local repair workshops
• Mobile repair service

ProdukttypManual flaring tool for Triple-Lok Tubes